Title: "With Fading Light the Watch Begins"
Price: $750.00
Sean Kammerlohr is a painter based in Winston-Salem who uses oils in the studio and acrylics when painting en plein air to achieve his style of exaggerated realism where both colors and light are amplified. This style is often paired with a slight anthropomorphization, lending human attributes to elements of Nature. The underlying goal of his work is to foster a connection between the viewer and Nature, which he believes is essential for society to adopt more environmentally responsible behaviors.
Kammerlohr has been a lifelong artist and has had little formal training. He spent decades working service and labor jobs but for the last three years he has been able to focus on painting full time. In that time, he has received several awards through competitions and has exhibited alongside other local artists in multiple venues including the Milton Rhodes Center for The Arts and the Benton Convention Center.
"Simply put, I love trees. I admire them. I adore them. I enjoy spending time with them. I name them. I have hugged them on occasion. They are friends. That is how Tree Friend Fine Art began.
In my work, I try to capture the essence of these beautiful creatures. Sometimes through hyper-realism; sometimes through a more fantastical approach.
It seems society often views Nature as somehow “less than.” My hope is to alter this perception by prompting people to experience trees, animals, and plants as the living, breathing individuals they are – as equally deserving of life as us. To that end, I aim to create ordinary scenes of extraordinary beings.
Sean can be reached at sdkammerlohr@gmail.com."